aram gallery
Footprint 1850, 2024 ArtEZ / NOMBAL!
Chops installation, 2016 BAL!capital c
The Pink Salon, 2020 capitalC amsterdamcito
Roofterrace with a view, 2011 CitoThe Heart of Cito, 2011 Citocrafts council london
The Maker's Eye, 2021 crafts council londonde baak
De Baak Furniture, 2014 De Baakde windroos
Wonderwoud, 2014 De Windroosdesign parade hyères
Frugal & Fun: Squash, 2022 design parade hyèresFrugal & Fun: Piscine, 2022 design parade hyèresfogo island
Economic Nutrition labels, Fogo Island pop-up, 2017 Shorefast FoundationFurniture for Fogo Island, 2011 Shorefast FoundationOutdoor furniture for Fogo Island Inn, 2011 Shorefast FoundationFurniture for Fogo Island Inn, 2011 Shorefast FoundationFogo Island Inn, trip and backgrounds, 2011 Shorefast Foundationfraeyle maborg
Gas in glass, 2009 Fraeylemaborghaags gem.mu seum
Wonderkamers, 2005 Haags Gemeente museumTrue Life catalogue, 2003 Haags Gemeente museumTrue Life, 2003 Haags Gemeente museuminside design
Lloyd Hotel room, 2009 Inside DesignLloyd Hotel staffkitchen, 2008 Inside DesignUndercover in Club 11, 2005 Inside Designkhk/uni kassel
Catalogue, 2016 University / Kunsthochschule Kasselkunsthal rotterdam
Zilte haring, rode kroot, 2021 kunsthal rotterdamkunsthalle wien
Was Ist Loos? catalogue, 2017 kunsthalle wien Was ist Loos?, 2017 kunsthalle wien messe frankfurt
Personal Shopper, 2008 Messe Frankfurt MoBA13
Furniture for Fashion, 2013 MoBA13info-, leisure-, shopdesign Fashion Biennale, 2013 MoBA13routing and citydressing Fashion Biennale, 2013 MoBA13museum arnhem
MIND-SETS catalogue, 2010 Museum voor Moderne Kunst ArnhemMIND-SETS MMKA, 2010 Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhemmuseum valkhof
Geel als citroen, rood als tomaat, 2020 museum valkhof nijmegennational museet
Craft in dialogue, 2005 Nationalmuseet Stockholmprint
mindmap, 2009 archiSTORMWhat gets me going?, 2009 DAMnºCover illustration, 2008 Blue Designprivate client
Island furniture, 2015 private clientprovincie drenthe
N34 Furniture, 2014 Provincie Drenthepuffin club
Peace Tables, 2003 Puffin Clubrabo bank
Office Spaces, 2011 Rabobank Nederlandrijks museum
Silver Swing, 2008 Rijksmuseumsofa founda-tion
Sofa salon, 2000 Sofa Foundation sonsbeek
Sonsbeek '16, 2016 Sonsbeek Internationalstockh. furniture fair
Guest of honour, 2009 Stockholm Furniture Fair super studio piu
some'thing to read, 2007 Superstudio Piutilburg
Willem II College, 2005 Gemeente Tilburgtods
Shopwindows, 2008 TODS tools galerie
Cheap Chic, 2006 Tools GalerieV&A museum
Cuckoo Eggs, 2016 V&A / LDFvivid gallery
Mayday for Playday, 2006 VIVID Galleryymere
Haag van Sevenhuijsen, 2015 Ymere