A light-hearted designexhibition by Ineke Hans at ToolsGalerie Paris.
Her work on show at ToolsGalerie – a small livingroom collection – started of from a ‘time-out’ period in which she allowed herself to play.
Playing along, combining along.... No demands on durability, or producability, no rules no pre-conditions, but a longing for peace, down-to-earthness, vernacular and a secret craving for pretentiousless.
Playing along.... while connected to her own nature, backgrounds and preferences for bold, simple and no non-sense.
Playing intuitive.... a plea for intuition.
While not wanting to question anything at, all the products presented at Tools arrised many questions on:
A schizofrenic mix of non-familiar materials, or a pleasant home-coming to non-pretentiousness?
exhibition for: Tools Galerie Paris