Each year Stockholm Furniture fair invites a designer to be their special guest. Ineke was asked to be Guest of Honour in 2009 and to design a 150m2 lounge at the entrance gates.The lounge was taken up as a space to relax and reflect.
It was devided up in a black sitting area (outdoor) and a blue/white area (indoor)From the rims around the area grew tables, cupboards and desks and together with the grid of cool blue lights at 1,8 mtr this framed and defined the space.
On the walls in the area were texts on designrelated issues.The visitor had an opportunity to take knowledge of it. and read them in a way as if you read info on cerial packaging during your breakfast in the morning.
commission: Stockholm Furniture Fair
production: Stockholm Furniture Fair/INEKEHANS/ARNHEM
information: designboom,