For the Dutch company P.L.A.N.E.T. Ineke Hans designed a kwartet. Starting from the idea that children, after playing a game several times, make up and apply their own rules for a game, it is possible to play this Kwartet in at least two ways.
Before you start you have to agree on which rules you play, though.
You can collect:
1.Four cards from the same colour
green, blue, yellow and red houses
green, blue, yellow and red tablecloths
2. Four cards from the same product group
living room (houses) : cupboards/tables/chairs/lights
kitchen (tablecloths): to eat with/to drink out of/to cook with/appliances
Along the way children learn the differences between floor lamp/table lamp, stool/chaise longue, cup/mug, etc.
production: P.L.A.N.E.T. Amsterdam